I am deliberately writing this post the day BEFORE the election for a reason. who "wins" or "loses" is not the purpose here...
Like the parent that wants his kids to "like" them & to be their
"buddy" when they need the Parent much more...Americans have
lost the RESPECT we have had with the OFFICE of COMMANDER-IN-
I voted twice for President Obama. I am a registered Democrat.
I am a white, Middle class WOMAN. I had high hopes that he would
help his own race not just the country. I have been deeply disappointed
with what he "could" have been for them and the country. I am left
with only "respect" for the OFFICE he holds. But, when he was totally
ignored by "his" own crowd & he lost control of them at that moment,
I felt a deep sadness. It was not only President Obama or Hillary or Trump
that was being disrespected...it was ALL OF US!
What happens the day AFTER THE ELECTION will be what is really important for our country...it is NOT about ONE flawed, breathing human
It is about US...ALL of us...BOTH sides.
If we allow the results Nov.9 to continue to divide friendships, families; even strangers on the street we will have given up our Priceless Gift
of Freedom my relatives died for and yours.
It won't matter which side was "right" and which side "lost".
We will have ALL lost and the sound of the dead who fought for us
will cry in heaven.
What we MUST take away from this election cycle are the lessons from it.
(1) There IS corruption in our Government that must be addressed.
(2) This leads to distrust and disrespect that justice will be done.
(3) This leads to Disrespect to those we CAN reach & hurt: our police,
firefighters, EM personnel & First responders and our precious young
(4) Entitlements: Hey, I could feel entitled if fair is fair...75 years...
30 years as a teacher, no arrests, married 54 years, ancestors back to
1607 Jamestown Colony. I DON'T!! I feel GRATEFUL that I was born and
live in such an incredibly beautiful AMERICA that I could NEVER be able to
fully "pay back".
According to my faith and Bible the ones we should be protecting are
"Widows & Orphans" (children)...not Able-bodied down on their luck
temporarily that need job training and MOTIVATION to step up. Also, those parasites abusing the law for profit.

Thank you for this small Cyber-Platform. I pray everyday for our country to survive this "uncivil" war between Americans. Mrs.Birge November 7.
Like the parent that wants his kids to "like" them & to be their
"buddy" when they need the Parent much more...Americans have
lost the RESPECT we have had with the OFFICE of COMMANDER-IN-
I voted twice for President Obama. I am a registered Democrat.
I am a white, Middle class WOMAN. I had high hopes that he would
help his own race not just the country. I have been deeply disappointed
with what he "could" have been for them and the country. I am left
with only "respect" for the OFFICE he holds. But, when he was totally
ignored by "his" own crowd & he lost control of them at that moment,
I felt a deep sadness. It was not only President Obama or Hillary or Trump
that was being disrespected...it was ALL OF US!
What happens the day AFTER THE ELECTION will be what is really important for our country...it is NOT about ONE flawed, breathing human
It is about US...ALL of us...BOTH sides.
If we allow the results Nov.9 to continue to divide friendships, families; even strangers on the street we will have given up our Priceless Gift
of Freedom my relatives died for and yours.
It won't matter which side was "right" and which side "lost".
We will have ALL lost and the sound of the dead who fought for us
will cry in heaven.
What we MUST take away from this election cycle are the lessons from it.
(1) There IS corruption in our Government that must be addressed.
(2) This leads to distrust and disrespect that justice will be done.
(3) This leads to Disrespect to those we CAN reach & hurt: our police,
firefighters, EM personnel & First responders and our precious young
(4) Entitlements: Hey, I could feel entitled if fair is fair...75 years...
30 years as a teacher, no arrests, married 54 years, ancestors back to
1607 Jamestown Colony. I DON'T!! I feel GRATEFUL that I was born and
live in such an incredibly beautiful AMERICA that I could NEVER be able to
fully "pay back".
According to my faith and Bible the ones we should be protecting are
"Widows & Orphans" (children)...not Able-bodied down on their luck
temporarily that need job training and MOTIVATION to step up. Also, those parasites abusing the law for profit.

Thank you for this small Cyber-Platform. I pray everyday for our country to survive this "uncivil" war between Americans. Mrs.Birge November 7.