"Dead People's Clothes!"

Birge-Bytes:  "To say your fate is not tied to my fate is like saying, "your end of the boat is sinking!"  Hugh Downs

One of the most important concepts to learn for our species to survive is the ability to ADAPT TO CHANGE. It is a sign of intelligence and maturity....Whether that change is to your advantage or not...the proper reaction at the proper time is crucial.

Most of human progress has occurred only in the last 150 lifetimes.
The printed word only 6 lifetimes ago & available to everyone 4 lifetimes....only the wealthy had books OR Pets for that matter!!
The electric motor and flight only 2 Lifetimes ago!

The truth is we are speeding up faster and faster! It took 50,000 years for us to go from "Hunting & Gathering" to "Agriculture;" where we formed groups & settled down to raise crops. Then, it took 
5,000 years to go from "Agriculture" to "Civilization" with the city of Sumer in the Mid-East.

WE HAVE HAD WORSE TIMES THAN TODAY....BUT NOT MORE DANGEROUS TIMES. We are the only species on this planet
that is capable of destroying everything living.

Now, I need to explain my strange Title above.."Dead People's
Clothes!" In 2009 I found some research I had NEVER thought
about before. It is an eye-opener of just how lucky we are in
America. Many large Multinational Charities do great and honest
work in bringing relief to the poor or devastated but sometimes
with unwanted "side effects". WE send them our hand-me-downs
and THEY become more favored than the traditional clothing of their
culture!! Their own "used-clothing" industries have had financial problems and the youth are drawing away from wearing their cultural heritage clothing. In Ghana, the government has had to start a "National Friday Wear" so all will be encouraged to wear
traditional clothes.

Names such as "dead yovo" ("dead white person's clothing") and in
Ghana it is called "broni wa wo" ("a white man has died") BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE ONLY DEATH COULD SEPARATE A PERSON FROM SUCH WONDERFUL CLOTHES!! (Jeans,scarves,bras,dresses,trousers,etc).
Hundreds of thousands have been layed off in the local Textile industries.

Am I saying....don't give? NO WAY...but today organizations are asking for your help with monetary donations so what is NEEDED
can be PROVIDED. Almost like the picnics we went to B.Y.O.D. and everyone brought potato salad?! I know....crude analogy.

The country that has so MUCH, as ours, needs to be aware that it
can and does instill jealousy...(I would be! That is just a fact of life)
Don't STOP the giving to others...but be empathetic, also.

P.S. Difference: Sympathy is being sorry for someone else in a bad siutation; Empathy is actually being able to "feel" as if it WERE you.


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