Why Me?!

Simply Said:       Answer: WHY NOT!?

   How many of you have heard the oft said quote: "God will not give you
more than you can handle?"  The reply is usually..."Boy, He really must
think I am strong!" ha,ha.

There are three reasons that you should reject this idea!

I.  It implies that it is GOD that brings evil in our lives. It is NOT.
II. It implies that the one suffering is just "weak" or somehow at "fault" for    bringing this to happen to them.
III. It may discourage them from getting actual help that is there for them.

It is more truthful to say..."God will help you handle all you are given!"
The SOLUTION is to take the challenges you have endured to help others.  Dr. Sam Wright

I am not Catholic but have always loved the simple, pure wisdom of Archbishop Fulton Sheen.

    “At no time in modern history has it been easier to believe in God than now. It used to be that evil was considered a stumbling block to a belief in the Goodness of God, but today men are coming to a belief in the Goodness of God because of evil. Goodness in the face of evil, must suffer, for when love meets sin it will be crucified.” 

     “Be not cast down because the persecutors of religion, having laid the Church, like its Founder, in the tomb, utter the boast: ‘Behold the place where we laid it.’ The law of progress of the Church is the reverse of the law of progress of the world. We are most progressive when we are most hated. It is only because the fires of its Truth are blinding evil eyes and convicting them of sin and judgement, that the world vainly tried to put them out. And though the world is tearing up all the photographs and blueprints of  society and  family based on the moral law of God, be not disheartened. The Church has kept the negatives.”

    “In many cases those who lost the faith never did so for a reason. They left it for a thing. Souls generally do not fall away from Christ because of the Creed; they first have difficulty with the Commandments. “Never ask what did I do to deserve this? Because Jesus may say to you what did I do to deserve the Cross? If God the Father permitted His Divine Son to feel the agonies of Calvary, it must be that Crosses fit into the Divine Plan. If your cross is mental, change your behavior, confess your sins, and make peace with God. If your cross is physical, offer it up in union with Our Lord on the Cross for the conversion of souls. There is a price tag on every soul. Every soul costs something. Some souls are bought by prayers; others are bought through the kindness of alms; but most of them are bought the way Our Lord brought us, through pain and suffering.”   Archbishop Fulton Sheen

"Don't have an "Empty Religion"...devoid of passion or truth. Don't have a good "show" on the outside but be spiritually dead on the inside. You are a walking "book" that others read every day. Be worth "reading".
Mrs. Birge

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