FIGHT FAIR....and Know When to RUN!

Birge-Bytes   "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning
                     to dance in the rain!"
                      "God Himself doesn't propose to judge a man until he is dead.So
                      why should you?!"

Do you realize that loves' symptoms are almost identical to "Anxiety Disorder"!!!

In this ongoing "Battle of the Sexes" there are "rules" just like anything else and dire
consequences  if not adhered to. Fighting or disagreements are normal anytime you
are combining a man and a woman just because of their opposite thought processes
on so many things. You will learn that men and women ARE different where the brain
is concerned. One of those areas is the Hypothalmus.  Its job is to handle our most
intense emotions of rage, anger,pleasure & joy. An example could be "road rage"
and at that moment the Hypothalamus is not in control as it should be for safety of
the person. There are even three things that can "trigger" rage. Amphetamines(speed)& Steroids can cause brain cells to "fire" off randomly at anytime and for no reason with
uncontrolled acts of aggression. Even certain foods or substances can cause brain
tissue to "swell" against the Hypothalmus.(some allergy medications) Lastly, alcohol
can reduce "inhibitions" we normally are in control of. People with insecurity, temper or
anger to begin with can find it much harder to control as when sober....One of my favorite
jokes by Bill Cosby years ago was: "What is wrong with "enhances" my personality!" Yes, but what if you're an ass-hole!"... When I was teaching I used to tell
my students..."if you have to drink and take drugs to have a good time...WHAT IS

o.K.  What IS the difference between a healthy love relationship and "run like Hell!?"

Right now....yes, I said RIGHT NOW, I want you to visualize your present OR former
relationship with someone. Go slowly and carefully over my next list and check off
anything that "fits". Ready?
1.  CONTROLLING: Interrogates you intensely if late, where you were and
                                who you talk to...must ask "permission" from them.

2. EXTREME JEALOUSY: calls constantly or visits unexpectedly.Hates
                       your job cause you might "meet" someone else.

3. ISOLATION:  Tries to cut you off from friends and family...accuses people
                      that supports you as being "troublemakers"...may take away
                      your phone or car or job.

4. VERBAL ABUSE:  Degrades, curses you, belittling insults, constantly
                      criticizes you in a cruel and demeaning manner.

5. BLAME:  Problems and mistakes are ALWAYS SOMEONE ELSES FAULT.

6. SUDDEN MOOD SWINGS: very short-fuse...sweet to violent in minutes...
                    easily insulted....anger when drinking...rants about injustices
                    of things that are just part of life. Feeling like "egg shells"when
                    talking to them.
 7. FRIENDS TRY TO WARN YOU! When trusted friends you have tell you
                    about past batterings he has done; he may even ADMIT to it
                    BUT will always say the other person MADE him do it.

8. "PLAYFUL" USE OF FORCE! Holding you down AGAINST your will!

9. CRUELTY TO ANIMALS OR YOUNG CHILDREN!: Punishes or kills your
                    pets & expects children to do things BEYOND their ability to do.

10. THREATS: (Obvious "run like Hell") says "I'll KILL you" and afterwards
                   will say "everybody talks like that!" NO THEY DON'T!!!!!
                   Also might say "YOU make me angry" instead of "I AM ANGRY!"

Really didn't mean to make this so long...I am trying to keep it concise but
this subject is too important at any age to neglect. Mrs.B.

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