Scarred Tree
Birge-Bytes "Growing older is not the problem; being perceived as old is!" I have weathered many
storms in life and let the scars heal in forgiveness. Mrs.B.
storms in life and let the scars heal in forgiveness. Mrs.B.
Scarred Trees
......”I think that I shall never see...a poem lovely as a
tree....Poems are made by fools like me, But only
God can make a tree.” Joyce Kilmer 1886-1918
This poem was written over a hundred years ago and yet
most of the same trees she witnessed and loved are here
PALMS swaying softly in the warm breeze remind me of
summer and the beach.
FALL TREES of all hues will shed their bright “gowns”
for Winter wear; soft pure snow-gowns.
PINES standing tall and proud as they are selected very
carefully to warm a home dressed in tinsel and my
favorite “bubble lights” from my Grandma’s Xmas
Tree that I used to fall asleep under; safe from harm.
Low sprawling hanging branches from the “special Tree” I shared with my Dad who never thought my
questions were irrelevant or silly. We would climb up
and sit and talk about anything and everything and
he would listen to my dreams...I still go there in the
memories of my Dad and childhood.
As an adult I have encountered a different kind of tree...
not a “weeping willow” with soft Spanish Moss draped
on its branches but nevertheless....I “feel” the soft weep-
ing ..everytime i pass it by. I see the SCARS it bravely
tries to hide and regrow so maybe it can forget it was the
last place a teenager lived and died.
I’ve see too many.
Mrs.B.Birge 2011