I was told by a Counselor years ago that I was a "CUPCAKE!"
Sweet and Funny on the outside that others see...(Social Persona) But defective on the Inside! At the time it didn't make sense to me.
As Human Beings our Brain's main Purpose was to "protect" us from Harm or Events we were experiencing; to survive.
I have "survived" two strong Episodes over the years.
I DO, therefore, have some tips to provide family or Caretakers:
(1) Do NOT tell them about relatives or people you know that have died or killed themselves with the same thing! Why?
It only ADDS GUILT to the person experiencing PTSD because they already feel bad they are doing this to a loved one.
(2)When the person experiences an episode...they may scream and say things they don't hear or remember later.
It depends on the Fear that is "triggered". Mine was Fear of
Falling...could not even climb a very small a Doctors Office I could not step up on that miserable "butcher block paper!")I also had Flashbacks & Panic attacks during it.
I KNEW I could NOT be a burden on others; upsetting them
this way because I was NOT worthy of their attention.
"SAFE PLACE": If I am in a place "Safe" to me & I remain
calm or others around me remain calm I have learned how to control the Panic Attack. (I had a great Counselor, Dr. Kate
Kleinfelter, PhD. who taught me techniques that worked!!
"REQUESTS": If I ASK for something to make me feel safer AND it is reasonable for you to do...please do it without eyes
rolling or negative comments.
"KEEP MIND BUSY": I had elements of O.C.D. with organizing my Safe Space...Journal, Blog, iPad,Music, TV distractions help to keep the negative mind building the gloom & doom thinking.
Mrs. B.Birge
April, 2019