Please indulge me on this one. It is the Anniversary of my Dad's suicide...April 25,1977.
You may be thinking it has been 42 years and "get over it"...
I don't WANT to because they were all GOOD memories that still sustain me today. (Upper left: Dad age 4)(Upper right:1923 yearbook bottom left..he was Class Photographer)
He moved from Iowa to Florida when he was 12 year old.

Had the first resident "aeroplane" in Iowa...very popular with the girls!
In 1932 he married my Mother, Eunice Beth Lee.Nine years later I was born!
My brother Wayne and i "survived" the divorce!

swing" about everything!
Could take us to the "moon"

Dad, you are in my Mind and HEART forever💌
Beverly Harrington Birge
April 25, 2019