The Blessing & Curse of Surviving Life!!

What they don’t tell you until you get there…
(1) Even with a good attitude it is NO picnic.
(2) The bravest thing you will ever do will be to love someone with all
your heart…Human or Animal.
(3) Everyone is on an INDIVIDUAL “Journey” that is totally unique from each
Other; It cannot be lived FOR them.
(4) Having to explain WHY you can’t do what was so much easier 10-20 years
(5) Trying to maintain Dignity in a world of Ageism.
(6) The realization that it takes MORE than a lifespan to accomplish what
you would like to Spiritually and Emotionally. I feel we are here to grow
and learn…NOT reach Perfection! Perfection is what we attain to; not what
we reach on this side. I feel God wants us to NOT QUIT trying…HIS perfection
is our GUIDE.
(7) There MUST be animals in Heaven; they are so much better than some of
us. I am praying for it.
(8) When nearing the end you realize you let “toxic” people use WAY too much
of your time here.
(9) When you realize your BLESSINGS still far OUTWEIGH painful learning…
You even feel “guilty” if you gripe about ANYTHING to God!
The hardest lessons taught me Humility, Empathy & Strength when dealing
with others.
(10) I am now “Cramming for my Finals”…for my Eulogy…please say, “Boy, did she
TRY!” Mrs.B. jan.15, 2019