NEW YEAR                                            2017                                                  NEW HOPE

                                                  TO FAMILY & FRIENDS

    A brief announcement to anyone straying to, visiting or "addicted" to my website.  It is a brand new year. My last post was about "Rejuvenating or Stagnating"...I choose to remain a child filled with the wonder and awe of my Faith in Christ. There is a big difference between "childish" and "childlike". I have an "Expiration" date; we ALL have. I have decided that since I have made it to 75, I'm going to go for 80.

     The wonderful part of being at this point is like climbing a very high
mountain & being able to see more and more clearly around me. It gives you such a perspective on what is important and what is not.  I am proud of the progress I have made in life. Hell...just surviving it is progress!

     Whatever your mountain will be like to climb I have probably been there, done that and gotten through it and now is your turn. I have shed the need to "worship" anyone or anything other than God & His Son.
Deeply grateful for Family and Friends; I no longer put them on pedestals but with me where I really need them. If you need me, I'm going to be there for you. If you want to be LOVED...I am the best at it because I know its importance.

     I am now more apt to tell you if I disagree on something you say rather than "fear" the displeasure you might have with me. I  now respect my own opinion whether it is about  my kids, my Grandkids, my
Grand-dogs...I even win an argument with my Husband now. 

    The closer you get to God...the smaller the other things get.


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