A very good Resolution to make that is not only "do-able" but good for you of ANY faith or lack of...
Cassius Clay (as I first knew his name) once said it even better..." The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
Muhammed Ali (converted to Islam because he
believed it was about peace.)
It is easier today to preach ten sermons than it is to live one... are we,
as Americans, really that close to self destruct that we will let a small minority of our country determine the freedoms of the majority? That we can "win" and be ungracious or "lose" and persist with vendettas, temper tantrums & whining. In the last year we have shown the world how THIN the American veneer of civility really is. The "Silent Majority" or as it is now called "The Forgotten Man" is being led by a SMALL number of Egotistic, coddled, "ill-educated", attention-seekers that
would NEVER take the place and daily lives of the average American.
Please do not misunderstand. I would have been deeply disappointed if
my candidate had lost, matter WHY it happened or WHO did WHAT.
There are simply too many things more important than TWO flawed Candidates; we are all flawed in someway. Perhaps it TOOK someone with a very strong belief in his own abilities to awaken us to the incredible amount of corruption (on both sides) He has a lot of money! So what?! This is a Democracy where the sky is the limit if you work hard...isn't that the American Dream we all talk about? Do you really think someone OTHER than HIS personality could have battled the "windmills" he was up against for 18 months? ....someone OTHER that didn't know BOTH sides well to be able to withstand the lies, Media bias,
& misinformation I saw daily in publications for myself.
Thank you, dear have saved me a fortune in Counseling ( I
do not have anyway) in letting me have my "open diary". It IS open on
purpose because it is something I can leave on this beautiful planet;
when you are 75 your thoughts might, just might, have the rare possibility to be of use after I am gone.