After you no longer are required to attend formal schooling...where do
you find the elusive concept of TRUTH? Word of mouth? Passed down generation to generation? Village to village with the domestication of the horse? NO! WAY TOO SLOW FOR US!

In 2016, we can "see" the action almost simultaneously as it happens!!
The Gulf War was the first time I actually watched WAR while it was
bombing away, from the safety of my recliner in Florida...with a snack.
The night sky was aglow with an eerie light show of rockets...surreal to believe that they were actually raining down on real people.

Is this what we wished for...to know MORE than our minds could absorb?
To have to make sense of and act on what we see and hear without any time for assimilation or reasoning; actually more of a knee-jerk response
to information as it comes to us faster and faster. The results inevitably mean ERRORS, half-truths, "convenient truths" in order to be FIRST with it
and beat other stations. In the 50's we had 3 channels and news twice a day for an hour. Now, that it is 24 straight that amt. of time HAS TO BE FILLED!

I was just informed that the majority of people today get their "news"
from FACEBOOK & other social media. OMG! I thought I trusted a site called Snopes.com and found out it is also not what it seems. My humble suggestions:

"TALK SHOW HOSTS" Should Clarify difficult issues &  Educate their fan base...No Spin on all the issues; Fill in the holes they are filling in for themselves with conspiracy, half-truths & assumptions.

TELEVISION NEWS CHANNELS: TRIPLE check all news sources BEFORE creating panic. There needs to be a "NETWORK WARNING" SYSTEM.

This network is "L"   (leans to the far left; liberal, progressive)

This network is "R"   (leans to the far right; conservative, traditional)

This network is rated "M"  (un-biased, objective,source-checked &
                                                      somewhere in the Middle)
#All the conspiracy oriented people with hidden or covert agendas,
                                        "mis-guided" or doped up youth or budding "anti-
                                          christs", Satanists or mentally impaired but "acting
                                          out" & forgot their meds will join a support group.


#1. A CATHOLIC BISHOP ( 4th century) world was religious; he loved children very much...after his death, the church declared his sainthood...actually one of the very few ever chosen not martyred first.

#2. "Twas the Night Before Christmas" was written to cheer people up during the 20's Depression period; the poor saw him as a "small elf with a
"miniature sleigh" and "tiny" reindeer...a "stub" of a pipe (poor would go
through the trash or find a broken pipe left by a rich man at that time)

#3. The third "change" for Santa came with a commercial ad for
Coca Cola. He is now seen as BIG, PLUSH, JOLLY (holding a coke),
FAT...gorgeous suit & beard.....

Now you know. Mrs. Birge 2016

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