
Simply Said:  I first wrote this post in 2012...26 children & teachers lives ended by a mentally ill man. I have a poem after that called "Why" that I wrote in 1971...In this I explain how I feel about guns...

December, 2012

I now feel compelled  to add an update:

I do not want to be governed by the mentally ill. I do want them helped.
I do not wish for humanity to be ruled by 7th century thinking.
I have loved the beauty of language all my life but the ugliness of it
      today in judging others, labeling others & hating others is pandemic.  
I have been a part of this extraordinary country of America since 1607;
     I will never be a part of the divisiveness of culture today.
The Hypocrisy, the Disdain for truth & the incredible never-ending GREED        for power & lack of Empathy for others is creating an actual HELL here        on Earth...the devil is either laughing his head OFF or in fear of losing
    HIS job here cause we've learned so well from him.

Thank you for, as we say, "venting" into Cyberspace...
(1) There ARE NO perfect people! (Least of all, me)
(2) There IS NO ONE perfect religion but many paths to God.
       There IS a criteria to get there:  We are to love each other as HE has
       loved matter how we might stumble in doing it or how many
       times...."sometimes light is only found where darkness used to be."

If EVERY TIME we said or did something cruel to someone else it would ALSO happen to us (like a boomerang returning to its source) we would
learn the pain we send out.  Mrs.B. 2016

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