MY TRUTH IS:   Until THIS is learned & understood there will always be "Uncivil Wars".
 I don't care WHAT "gender" you identify with today it can become mind-blowing in complexity ...especially if you are not even sure. i don't refer to what you prefer to wear but how the BRAIN and Body Chemicals are distributed during the 9 month gestation.

I am  NOT referring to Homosexuality, Bi-Sexuality  or Transgender! (Next post...)

Please pardon me using my "Soup Analogy" to explain...
We ALL are a "soup" of chemicals that occur at two points in-vitro (during the 9 months) that determines our physical features & Gender identity.

IMPORTANT: (1)there is a moment of time at the beginning of conception when  we ARE neither "male" NOR "female".   A sudden "bath" of chemicals occurs and starts the physical development & organ functioning systems to develop properly.

IMPORTANT: BOTH Male and Female have the SAME THREE sexual development chemicals.
            They are:  ESTROGEN (female but male has,too!) ANDROGEN (male but female has,too!!) and TESTOSTERONE both have in different amts)
There is another "bath" of chemicals before birth occurs...

(1)TYPICAL FEMALE:   a specific amt. of Estrogen, a touch of Androgen & a      little Testosterone.
(2)GIRLY-GIRL:  MORE Estrogen than "called for" in the recipe & less Androgen & Testosterone.(Ultra feminine)
(3)TOM BOY GIRL:  LESS Estrogen ..slightly MORE Androgen/Testosterone.
        (prefers non-typical girl stuff more in activities & dress)
...all 3 "Soups" above can be considered WOMEN that like the opposite sex, marry, have children. Now, for the men in my audience:

(1) TYPICAL MALE:  A specific amt. of ESTROGEN (YES, I guess to make him more likeable to women.) MORE Androgen for physical dev./hairyness,
deeper voice,Adams Apple etc. and More Testosterone than a woman would get as to his life role of hunting & providing; aggression for defense.   (Example: My husband(aka John Wayne)

(2) Effeminate Man:
 Little more Estrogen than John Wayne,
Little less Androgen (so body-build doesn't really scare anyone else or intimidate others) and little less Testosterone...will still have Adams Apple,etc.NO hairy chest or "buff-ness"...
Think "Animal House" movie) Trace of Estrogen(just enough for him to deny having ANY!!) Way too much Androgen for his own good & even scares himself if he passes a mirror)
Likes to spit and scratch a lot while making animal sounds marking his territory.
               ...all 3 "Soups" above can be considered MALE that like the opposite sex, marry & have children.

Next post will reveal MY Truths about Homosexuality, Bi-Sexuality & the new one...Transgender! Stay tuned...
P.S. When I say "MY TRUTHS" it simply means you can agree to disagree with me. Mrs.B. 2016

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