Ever wonder why few religious leaders attempt this book from The New
Testament as a sermon topic? Why even the sound of this Hebrew noun causes a hushed apprehension in religious as well as Secular group conversation?
The word Armageddon refers to the "Hill of Megiddo"...located South of
present day Haifa, Israel.(Rev.16:16).
SECULAR: (Agnostics/Atheists/Worldly view) uses it to explain any dramatic or catastrophic conflict that might destroy our civilization.Ex."Nuclear Armageddon".
BIBLICAL: (Written by the Apostle John who knew Jesus) to explain the
"last Battle between Good and Evil before the Day of Judgement".
So, now you know the word Armageddon.
Most people misunderstand and misinterpret its meaning or "use" it for their own agendas. It was written in a highly "symbolic" style for a very good reason...Christians would understand the symbolism BUT the enemy (Rome) would not! I will give a few examples: "The Lamb": Jesus' sacrifice for us. "The Lion": Jesus as powerful "King". "The Dove" as the Holy Spirit left within us. "Fruit" as the works and actions done in His name. The "Rock" that represents Jesus and His TRUTH. "Winds" were
the chaos and strife of the time..."winds of war". "Gold & Silver" represented pure CHARACTER and pure WORDS & UNDERSTANDING.
As a History & Sociology Major I discovered that at the START of every new CENTURY(1800's/1900's) seems to bring out Cults and "End-of-Times
Groups"....when it doesn't actually happen the ready excuse is that we are just not "ready" for it at this time! Every World Conflict & crisis brings out "The Book of Revelation" for scrutiny and FEAR.(I guess on how "good" you've been!)
Actually, it turns out that John wrote it to "reassure" Christians; to COMFORT them...not as a FEAR tactic at all! TO SHOW CHRISTIANS BEING PERSECUTED THAT IT IS WORTH IT TO STAND FIRM AGAINST EVIL.
It was a "letter" written by John to the original Seven Churches Pastors
to help them comfort their followers. It is still comforting us today.

Ever wonder why few religious leaders attempt this book from The New
Testament as a sermon topic? Why even the sound of this Hebrew noun causes a hushed apprehension in religious as well as Secular group conversation?
The word Armageddon refers to the "Hill of Megiddo"...located South of
present day Haifa, Israel.(Rev.16:16).
SECULAR: (Agnostics/Atheists/Worldly view) uses it to explain any dramatic or catastrophic conflict that might destroy our civilization.Ex."Nuclear Armageddon".
BIBLICAL: (Written by the Apostle John who knew Jesus) to explain the
"last Battle between Good and Evil before the Day of Judgement".
So, now you know the word Armageddon.
Most people misunderstand and misinterpret its meaning or "use" it for their own agendas. It was written in a highly "symbolic" style for a very good reason...Christians would understand the symbolism BUT the enemy (Rome) would not! I will give a few examples: "The Lamb": Jesus' sacrifice for us. "The Lion": Jesus as powerful "King". "The Dove" as the Holy Spirit left within us. "Fruit" as the works and actions done in His name. The "Rock" that represents Jesus and His TRUTH. "Winds" were
the chaos and strife of the time..."winds of war". "Gold & Silver" represented pure CHARACTER and pure WORDS & UNDERSTANDING.
As a History & Sociology Major I discovered that at the START of every new CENTURY(1800's/1900's) seems to bring out Cults and "End-of-Times
Groups"....when it doesn't actually happen the ready excuse is that we are just not "ready" for it at this time! Every World Conflict & crisis brings out "The Book of Revelation" for scrutiny and FEAR.(I guess on how "good" you've been!)
Actually, it turns out that John wrote it to "reassure" Christians; to COMFORT them...not as a FEAR tactic at all! TO SHOW CHRISTIANS BEING PERSECUTED THAT IT IS WORTH IT TO STAND FIRM AGAINST EVIL.
It was a "letter" written by John to the original Seven Churches Pastors
to help them comfort their followers. It is still comforting us today.