SO TO SPEAK. I AM A "JIHADIPHOBIC"... phobic means "fear of" and Jihad
expresses a "war" on all that is Holy to everyone else! While I'm confessing, I might as well say I dislike "Ethnic trash"...White trash,
Black trash, Asian trash and "Plaid trash" if I ever meet one of those.
By "trash" I do not mean poor people!!! A Billionaire can be "poor"
spiritually, so there. By "trash" I mean IGNORANCE on PURPOSE...close mindedness, narcissistic values and Indifference & lack of empathy for others. (Actually, that last one is part of The Triad for Sociopaths.)
"Socio" (Society) and "Path" (Danger to)
I could "kick-butt" at 74 but only if the "butt" was deceased! BUT,(pardon the pun), I am way too old to hold back on what I believe to be true. I will just have to do it behind a computer monitor.
PLAID!! It isn't even a particular "book" with a different label on it. It is what is WITHIN THAT BOOK that matters...and YOUR actions in following that "book".

If we are going to be SO hung up on WORDS we better be specific and accurate. After 9/11 I was so upset about the way Americans were treating American Muslims I made it a point to find out FOR MYSELF.
As a teacher I was comfortable with this. I researched the religion itself
on a reputable website on Comparative Religion..."BeliefNet.com" I think it was...then, I went from my school down the street 3 blocks to a Muslim
School...couldn't believe I did this cause I am such a "wuss"!!! I introduced myself to a young Muslim Math Teacher with 3 children who was "terrified" to even go shopping at the local Publix because of all the
glares,comments & even spitting. I apologized.
I told my classes...Seniors in Social Science...that I sure hoped OTHER nations did not hate US because we had Skinheads, Supremacy Groups
and Cults in our country...they got the point.
I had numerous students for years in my classes of the Muslim-Faith.
They were some of my finest students! Best grades, hardest working,
sweetest, would ASK if I needed help with anything! There was not ONE student in my 28 years of teaching that was disruptive, cruel, bullying, and on and on. They won my "awards" for emotional maturity,leadership and good role models to their peer groups.
My biggest lesson I LEARNED about bigotry of ANY kind is don't be LAZY
about your knowledge. Make a friend...get your questions or bias answered! My most outstanding student in my teaching career was a
sweet, kind and mature young Muslim. I still miss her. Mrs.Birge

at our disposal...accurate Data Bases...Cyber Defenses...Renewed RESPECT for our Responders & ourselves as a cohesive NATION WORTH FIGHTING FOR. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL THE WORLDS INNOCENTS.