Simply Said:  "I am a pencil in the hand of a writing God who is
                          sending a love letter to the world.
                         Love begins with a smile. Walk with your hand in God's.
                        If you cannot feed 100 people than feed just one." 
                                                             Mother Theresa

I reiterate again, faithful readers, I am not Catholic but love wisdom
and direction that the wise share with us. I have been Methodist all my life. To me Denominations are more of a political/historical reason for being and can cause great conflict that God never intended for us...He is NOT a divider of his love & grace...most people just don't get that. The God I follow gives everyone a chance to choose their beliefs & standards. We were given a FREE
gift of one of the most complicated organs ever conceived; the most intricate and complicated in the whole Universe! How do you use yours? As a "hater"...a close-minded person to everyone that does not agree with your ideas?!

I do not go to Church because I think I am "better than anyone else" I go because I know I need and want Spiritual growth. A quote I love is..."Church is NOT a museum for Saints...but a "hospital"
for Sinners" (Ethical and Moral growth!) We are all "patients" at this "hospital" with different levels of "patience"
I go to a Building (of my choice) which represents God on Earth.
I can't imagine what it would be like as an Atheist or Agnostic with no "foundation" Quote:  If you do not stand for can fall for anything!"

My "Grandson" Nicholas I was able
to support for 5 years
My "Granddaughter"Sharon

I even supported the "Gorilla Foundation" in Hawaii & taught animal
rights & intelligence to my students.

I would SO love him...
To wrap this all up in case I start coming across to you as BRAGGING,,,I am NOT. We ALL have daily choices...mine is to become a better follower of my beliefs, grow Spiritually & Morally and love my Birth Country...America.
June 2015

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