Simply Said: "No one gets out of Life...alive." A homeless man/woman dies...A Billionaire dies...just with prettier surroundings and more people notified! Mrs.B.
I also see the absurdity of being TOO serious about it;dwelling on the inevitable.
The only other place as somber as a funeral home is the Doctor's Waiting Room. In each seat is a self-focused, facing
medical results (good or bad) HUMAN BEING.
WHY every waiting room has a mandatory t.v. on is beyond me.
We don't NEED NOISE; distractions so we forget the wait past our allotted appt...the patients all seem to bring electronics with them.
Are we afraid of silence now?! One of my favorite and soothing affirmations is: "Be STILL and know I am God!"
Facing my own "Expiration Date" has been sobering to say the least but ALSO a red flag to grab every precious moment in life.
EVERY sunset...EVERY flower...EVERY HUG I can have from people that mean everything to me.
Sometimes, I admit, I wonder why I work so hard at being liked and no one else seems worried about it or attempting to change their rough edges for me.
There are TWO ways to look at it, I guess:
"Only someone who loves you will tell you the truth they see
because no one else dares or cares to."
"If we treated our OWN LOVED ONES as we treat new "strangers" we meet....we might feel more appreciated and cared about".
I am an "Approval Addict" formerly known as "people-pleaser"...even to those not deserving of it.
Always trying to quiet the words: "You are ugly! You are worthless!
You will marry a bum and have rotten kids...You are stupid...(My Stepfather)...."I was happy until you were born!"( My Mother);
only the loving, approving words of my Grandmother and my Dad
got me through...I pray YOU will be "loving words" for others in your life. Mrs.B.