Simply Said: "To say my fate is not tied to yours is like saying...your
end of the boat is sinking!"
Hope you didn't "tune-in" hoping to find your particular annoying kind of "righteous" people....The only thing that might be good about them, however, is they come in ALL shapes,sizes,ethnicity's,ages & is hard to definitively describe but it seems to go really deep encompassing their personalities & actions. Some, when they even tell you they are better than you...seem almost proud of it. (Worst kind) EVERYONE makes mistakes. I believe we aren't
even SUPPOSED to be PERFECT...that "life" is about "perfecting" ourselves right up until the last breath!
Mark Twain said, "when we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained!"
In the Old Testament of the Bible in which Jewish and Gentiles (me)look for Guidance, "Righteousness" is spelled out very clearly to all. A "righteous" person would be one that (1) Speaks the truth (2)Does not slander others (3)Doesn't HURT others physically or emotionally (4)Never starts Gossip (5) AVOIDS EVIL PEOPLE (6) Keeps their values and standards under pressure and (7) Gives to others without expecting a RETURN. Today...Righteousness can be interpreted as to mean someone who thinks they are BETTER than anyone else. That is NOT its meaning. "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"; a popular bestselling book of today explains that a Christian can adhere to all of that above and STILL have tragedy, setbacks, obstacles and Heartbreak. It does NOT PROTECT US FROM EVIL but it gives us the almost miraculous STRENGTH and HOPE to get through it!
In the New Testament of the Bible that was added to the original Bible Jesus actually "raises the bar" to include not only the guide above but
added the Integrity of Action. #1)Speaks the truth AND listens & respects your truths.
#2) No Slander to others AND is supportive to those slandered unjustly.
(3) Does not HURT anyone else physically or mentally AND intervenes to protect others in need. (4)STARTS no gossip And walks away from those that persist in drawing you in (5)Hates EVIL and avoids temptations
and protects in whatever way possible those terrorized by it. (6)Keeps strong to his Standards, Beliefs and Values AND surviving the pressure gets added strength for the next "test". (7)Gives without expecting anything in return AND so it becomes "Kindness Forward".
I leave you with some very wise and appropriate words for today from a
former President of ours, Abraham Lincoln..... "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him POWER".
"It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong! You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today! This "gentle"man had much conflict, pain and heartbreak.....
end of the boat is sinking!"
Hope you didn't "tune-in" hoping to find your particular annoying kind of "righteous" people....The only thing that might be good about them, however, is they come in ALL shapes,sizes,ethnicity's,ages & is hard to definitively describe but it seems to go really deep encompassing their personalities & actions. Some, when they even tell you they are better than you...seem almost proud of it. (Worst kind) EVERYONE makes mistakes. I believe we aren't
even SUPPOSED to be PERFECT...that "life" is about "perfecting" ourselves right up until the last breath!
Mark Twain said, "when we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained!"
In the Old Testament of the Bible in which Jewish and Gentiles (me)look for Guidance, "Righteousness" is spelled out very clearly to all. A "righteous" person would be one that (1) Speaks the truth (2)Does not slander others (3)Doesn't HURT others physically or emotionally (4)Never starts Gossip (5) AVOIDS EVIL PEOPLE (6) Keeps their values and standards under pressure and (7) Gives to others without expecting a RETURN. Today...Righteousness can be interpreted as to mean someone who thinks they are BETTER than anyone else. That is NOT its meaning. "When Bad Things Happen to Good People"; a popular bestselling book of today explains that a Christian can adhere to all of that above and STILL have tragedy, setbacks, obstacles and Heartbreak. It does NOT PROTECT US FROM EVIL but it gives us the almost miraculous STRENGTH and HOPE to get through it!
In the New Testament of the Bible that was added to the original Bible Jesus actually "raises the bar" to include not only the guide above but
added the Integrity of Action. #1)Speaks the truth AND listens & respects your truths.
#2) No Slander to others AND is supportive to those slandered unjustly.
(3) Does not HURT anyone else physically or mentally AND intervenes to protect others in need. (4)STARTS no gossip And walks away from those that persist in drawing you in (5)Hates EVIL and avoids temptations
and protects in whatever way possible those terrorized by it. (6)Keeps strong to his Standards, Beliefs and Values AND surviving the pressure gets added strength for the next "test". (7)Gives without expecting anything in return AND so it becomes "Kindness Forward".
I leave you with some very wise and appropriate words for today from a
former President of ours, Abraham Lincoln..... "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him POWER".
"It often requires more courage to dare to do right than to fear to do wrong! You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today! This "gentle"man had much conflict, pain and heartbreak.....