2015...WHAT NOW?!

Simply Said: SAD...
O.K...here is the best part: We are still here...the earth is still rotating...still a few polar bears looking for food. I wish everyone on Earth could see the Earth from Space...watch this beautiful "Blue Dot" as Carl Sagan called it, avast in its promise to us of our Home. Until we can go ANYWHERE else, THIS is what we have! 

From hand inscribed books only the rich could commission and the poor denied...poor people couldn't even have "pets"...only the wealthy. The poor were allowed "work animals". Before I go off on some strange trivia side-trip..
(I am FULL of it, by the way) lets continue.

Our technology has come faster than our maturity to handle it. Until our mental growth catches up with our grandiose advances...we are bound to make immature & self-serving responses to it. I used to joke to my High School classes that the problem would be solved by "draining" excess Testosterone  from our body chemicals!(the male & female hormone for aggression.)We have discovered spear holes in the oldest of fossils unearthed...today's problem is that we are the ONLY species on Earth capable now of pressing a single red button to extinguish ALL. From single villages with
singular crime we are able to know about ALL CRIME in ALL
PARTS of the world instantly!!

   It was termed "Globalization" in my FIU Anthropology Class.
We did not count on just HOW QUICKLY we could attain this, however.
     When I was a teen in the late 50's there were THREE t.v.channels with ONE HOUR of news at 6:00 P.M. 
Television simply "cut off" at Midnight with the playing of the Star Spangled Banner and an interesting test pattern & then "snow"...(Yes, "Snow...in Florida!)
     My Father made his own airplane; the first one in Iowa in the 1920's...my Cousin the first to take off and land on an aircraft carrier for the Navy in 1910 that changed the war.
Are we able to slow it all down? Probably not. When a highly developed society is trying to reason & negotiate with various other levels of development, some of which have regressed backwards in ideology BUT have access to the technology of warfare it becomes incredibly fragile,impulsive and self perpetuating. Maturity is for the GOOD OF ALL!

SOLUTION?  Shifting our Priorities
        Take ALL the people on our planet...ALL colors, sizes, ages, ethnic groups, ideologies, Nationalities.

1st.) YOU are a  Human Being . YOU live on THIS PLANET.

2nd.) YOU should be free to believe Your Beliefs & not have to deny them or be murdered because of them.

3rd) YOU are Born & Live in a part of this Earth. You can be proud about that & encouraged to make that part better...it is called Nationalism.

4th)  Charity begins at HOME. Educate your Country, FEED your Country, Protect your Country with just, enforceable laws. When this is accomplished in EACH country we should then reach out wherever we can to help OTHERS.

     I know this is "Simply Said" but until our Emotional Maturity("EM") catches up with our Mental Intelligence("IQ")...we will be like kids
playing with very dangerous "toys".
     By now, you realize I am a hopelessly POSITIVE person...
Sue me. Mrs.B.

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