Simply Said: "I don't need Anger Management! I need people to stop pissing me off!"
"You don't have to drive me crazy...I'm close enough to walk!"
"My people skills are just fine. It is my tolerance for idiots that needs work!" We have always had "looters", sociopaths, murderous people USING religion for their own aims & mentally ill that at least have a medical reason for their destruction of themselves & others; all throughout History. I'm also sure that even cavemen(before language developed)wanted the "bigger and better" Club the hairy neighbor had than their own.(Fossils prove this inhumanity to man)
There was an experiment with rats once that were put into a laboratory maze a few at a time. When there were only a few in it they would politely pass each other occasionally, sniff a little, and continue happily on their way. As more and more rats were added to the maze, they started bumping into each other more and shoving.
When the maze had the full amount of other rats added.....cannibalism occurred!
We find ourselves in a very unfair Christians AND Americans! The very foundation of Christianity is built on Forgiveness, Love, Compassion and Empathy. As Americans the foundation we grew up with was one of Justice...far from perfect and always needing tweaking and improvement BUT Justice, none the less.
Above, I said, we have always had deviance BUT THE WEAPONS ARE MUCH MORE LETHAL, ABUNDANT AND WE ARE THE ONLY SPECIES ON THIS PLANET WITH THE CAPACITY TO ELIMINATE ALL SPECIES FROM THE EARTH! Lemmings may all jump off a cliff at the same time but they don't take US with them!
In my teaching career I had to tell my students to "not mistake my Kindness to them as "weakness". It is now time for the world's Christians to say the same!! It is NOT "civilized" warfare that we are is "Socially Undeveloped Thuggery." In the Old West that I also taught about was the Myth that it was totally unlawful. The VAST majority of killings & crime was perpetrated by gunslingers that actually HAD an Honors Code to never kill a "lady" (saloon girls didn't count!) or those so inebriated on paydays they would call each other out) Actually, one point I do have to make is America has about 2/3
of all Serial Killers due to the very nature of our freedom of movement between States...a great freedom for the law-abiders.
Words are the only "weapon" I have at Birth Certificate just expired! I can't bare hurting anyone, have no martial arts skills...
Marital arts, yes! I would die for my faith and family but haven't been put to that test like the beautiful Christians that are daily suffering for the things I have so abundantly.
"If you do not stand for will fall for ANYTHING."
P.S. There was NO Juvenile Delinquency in the Old West...they were working.(This excludes Billy the Kid, a Sociopath)