" As a teenager I couldn't "protest" because my Dad worked for the Government...as a young married adult I couldn't "protest" because my husband said NO.(yes, it is what
is called a Biblical marriage.:)  When I had my career in teaching High School we couldn't talk to any reporters about anything unless we got an o.k. from the Principal.....can you imagine how MUCH I have kept inside?! (I am a "people-Pleaser" obviously) Then, I got OLD. I am retired...those two combinations have opened the "Gate of Freedom" for me.

At a certain age, you just don't give a damn if "they" stop "liking" you! It is VERY freeing. You start to realize if you DON'T say it now....you may never.

You also do a "summation" of your life & find that almost everything not only happened for a reason but had a purpose!
An amazing continuity becomes apparent...at this point you
can attain a beautiful inner peace, so long sought for. You are glad you never hurt anyone intentionally....never shamed your children or husband....tried to be a role-model for Honesty, UN-Conditional love  and Integrity.

So, the following is "Simply Said":

(1) From early abuse I learned to try to never hurt anyone else.

(2) My teaching Motto was: "I will treat you exactly how you treat me!" (sound familiar? It really works,folks!)

(3) My Marriage vow in the presence of God I took very seriously. My motto there was: "If you have the BEST...you don't NEED the rest!" I have been faithful for 52 years & counting....he is worth my respect & love.

(4) My Parenting vow? For my children to feel LOVED and WANTED unconditionally. To give them as much security as I didn't have as a child.

(5) I had no religious "examples" to learn from my parents and yet I have always felt protected and loved all my life...some things are unseen but "felt".

O.K. Enough about personal stuff.....Now, Civilization!!!!

RIOTS, Simply Said

     People have always acted "differently" on Camera! It was expressed by Andy Warhol as the need for "15 Minutes of Fame"
I feel sorry for the business owners and the peaceful protesters
because it is obvious we DO have an important problem in communication and respect on both sides that we can't let fester in today's world....or BOTH sides lose.

My Solution 2cents worth?

1. Peaceful protests to continue but ONLY during the daytime.
2. No Media Coverage at night; they have ample time during the day.
3. "High Profile" Mediators such as Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson...(I almost expect to see Dennis Rodman appear...he went to North Korea to play basketball with his "friend") As well-meaning as I think they are they actually "fuel" a riot. They could say anything they wanted in daytime interviews but we do not need "Cheerleaders for Looters".
4. And Last, I am saddened because the looters are a HORRIBLE example for the world to see. I've spent a lifetime getting rid of any bias I might have and this is NOT FAIR to the vast majority of people  that want to help the disparity that exists when and wherever it appears.

WOW...didn't think I would go on this long but it is cathartic to
let your mind be shared. Thank you for reading....Mrs.B.

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