Simply Said:  " You can't do anything about your ancestors, but you can greatly
                             influence your descendants." 
                                     .....he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so
                                          the next generation would know them. Psalm 78:5-6


Crime used to be a "night time" event...something to HIDE....TODAY crime is anytime.

It seemed that there were "special places" for Sanctuary...schools. Disney world, college.
TODAY...."special places" are the TARGET! They are more shocking and fearful with the
highest "body count" possible. Their "messages" are delivered in innocent blood.

CRIME was something "someone else" experiences and then WE help them.
TODAY, it is a probability that we will experience and need the help of others.

We used to have the feeling that IF you led a good life you would be "COVERED" somehow
against evil and pain.
TODAY, it has been replaced by the feeling that you have now just BECOME THE TARGET
and focus of con artists, Hackers, Scams and unethical "friends". In fact, I just read that my age bracket (over 65) IS the Prime Target because of the sad fact that WE are STILL more
trusting of others because of how WE were raised at an earlier time....our parents may not have protected us from a future we would encounter later.

TODAY, we have people "snapping" over cell phones, bad driving and "legal" drug abuses.
A Father murdered in a movie theatre because he was calling home to check on his babysitter....THE MOVIE HADN'T EVEN STARTED YET!!  There are long waiting lines
for everything with patience a necessity; most "waiting rooms" (well named?!) have a t.v.
blaring up HIGH where you can't reach it to divert you from the fact of a long wait.
 This year while waiting an hour in a crowded little second waiting room...a woman on her cell was talking to another woman about a third woman! After describing,
in detail, a recent Roast Pork to cook it, eat it, serve it & why NOT ham....mentioning that "if it don't LOOK like CHICKEN or FISH...she would not eat it!
Rabbit,Turtle,GatorBaitChunks, "Shuck-ums" (?!) & Dolphin taste good...."
She then proceeded to talk about her Grand Daughter..."there is nothing wrong with that
child's back. Yes, she IS still a Virgin"..."That and drugs don't mix...tell her not to do
Marijuana. "Does she want to lay down and not wake up? When her ass doesn't wake up I'll
be glad I have my Insurance!" P.S. EVERYONE in the small waiting room heard her....
SPARE ME, PEOPLE!  I learned Patience and flexibility from my career so just relaxed and
took notes of only her end of the conversation....enough said.

If there is a Misunderstanding  with loved ones ask two things:

(1) Is it a "Personality" difference? Our core personality is pretty well set very early.

(2) Are they simply in a different "CHAPTER" OF THEIR LIFESPAN than you are!?

     During our lifetime we go through changes; building on the ones before according to our
experiences and environment. Our "core" type does not change but we ARE at different
stages of development.(Or we'd still need a pacifier until we were 80) We "develop"
"pacifiers" throughout life, tho. of many kinds good and bad.

Native American Indians had a powerful philosophy of "walk in someone else's moccasins
before we judge them."

Dealing properly with others in an "earlier" or "later" CHAPTER requires Maturity and Empathy on
YOUR PART because you have "been there-done that" BUT THEY HAVEN'T!!

I guess the bottom line is a strong NEED for TOLERANCE & Education today. There ARE solutions (some we even are aware of) to World Hunger....Medical Research....DIPLOMACY rather than war and on and on. THERE ARE SOLUTIONS. WE MUST GROW-UP OR PERISH AS A SPECIES through ignorance & aggression.


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