Simply Said:  The definition of "sucker punched" refers to an unexpected hit or blow. It can be physical or emotional.....
Perfection does NOT exist on Earth and if you EXPECT it
you will be crushed by disappointment.

If life is going "perfectly" for you do you: (1)expect it to continue (2)enjoy it while it lasts!?(3) KNOW it will NOT
last and wait for the "sucker-punch"?!

When it comes it is sudden and sharply felt; doesn't matter if
you are innocent, guilty or just plain caught! Has little to do with if you deserved it or "why me"?   It happens over a lifetime of ups and downs to everyone.

Do you react like a "knee jerk"....swear God has abandoned
you...look for others to blame...want to get revenge cause of your pain? you USE this PAIN for introspection;
are you willing to "take" your share of the blame, if necessary?
Very few things in life are beyond your CHOICE! You either IMPROVE or you SLIP BACK... Go forward or wallow
in your own pity!

I just found out yesterday that only 11% of people have never started drinking, smoking or had a problem with substances today. What the Hell?!  I used what I called the
"Mother Theresa Syndrome" & "Selective Denial" to survive my abuse long after it was needed.

"Selective Denial" can KEEP THOSE ABUSE DEMONS 
in your brain festering and spoiling future happiness.
A old saying is, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" and I am convinced it includes cleaning out your most precious gift of all....your brain! This is the Twenty-First Century, people.
We should be able to seek  Professional & Objective help as easily as a broken bone by now!!! It is NOT the sign of a weak
person. It is rather the sign of a strong & mature person to know when they need more help than they have been able to do on their own. A "Broken Mind" is every bit as bad as any
broken bones.  Please set your brain free to be the person you were born to be...a blessing to others.


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