Simply Said:  Years ago I heard someone say, "these are the "dog days of summer!"  In the South that meant the long hot  days of late summer when the hound dogs would just lay around on the porches and do NOTHING!! (CATS do this all year long) At this time of year I would ordinarily be busy getting school supplies ready cause teachers came back one week BEFORE the kids! I still, after two years, see the date and feel I should be doing something! Don't get me wrong...I feel NO guilt in retirement after being so busy for so many years and working 8 years longer than I thought I could handle! I was 70 when I retired & still in love with my job but I didn't want to stay until I had to be "propped" up to teach and become a joke. The kids never made me "feel" like that and were actually upset they couldn't have me for their Jr./Sr. years. I will always be grateful for the way they appreciated me & the 55 years age difference that MADE NO DIFFERENCE to them! I simply remembered what it felt like at their age and they "allowed" me into their wonderful world and then respected me for that.

My next post will be for NEW teachers or returning Veterans.
My greatest desire is to help the profession I was in for 27 years....please respond to it and ask any questions you would like.   Mrs.B.


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