Simply Said: "Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired."     Robert Frost (surprised?)

"We forgive to the extent that we are able to love."
                      Francois Rochefoucauld

"The most important thing a Father can do for his children is
to love their Mother".....and vice versa...I never got to see my Mother and Father ever kiss...only try to hurt each other verbally and physically .(My Mother, mostly) I decided my children would not only see genuine affection between their father and me but know WHY it was genuine for me.

Some of my students thought being "faithful" to their boyfriends was 6 months-2 years they gave the "gift" of Monogamy to each other! They were always mind-boggled when I said I have been....for 51 years! I even showed their request, I might of myself at their age so they could see, i guess, that I was actually desirable and must have had offers somewhere along the line!!


1. I respected my husband and never wanted to hurt him.

2. I was able to recognize his qualities were clearly what I needed to grow with...his confidence without conceit, his ability with common sense perspectives, his patience with others with no need ever to gossip or put down someone
to uplift his ego,etc.

3.Prior experience with a "Bad Man" (my stepfather) and very aware of the differences in the man I married.

4.Could I ever picture my life without him in it? Yes, I could, but I would HATE to! There is a joy about sharing a "history" with another person instead of "serial monogamy" which seems prevalent today.

5. The Motto I always have used was, "If you have the BEST...
who needs the REST?!" Mrs.B.

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