Simply Said: It has been said that "humor is like a medicine with no side effects" but that is not totally true. Misplaced humor without thought behind it can sting for years or make a
bad situation worse.
"Make crime pay. Become a lawyer!" Will Rogers
Target: lawyers...(specific occupations)
"Lymph"....to walk with a lisp!
Target: People that limp or have a speech impediment.
"Oyster"....a person who sprinkles his conversations with Yiddish expressions.
Target: Any ethnic group.
"Knock, Knock. Who's there? Zimmerman. Zimmerman,who?
Good, you can sit on the jury!" (True murder case by the Defense in his opening statement.)
Target: An attempt to lighten up a murder case?! To get the jury to "like" him? Went over like the dud it was.
Before a trial is even completed...the "true" Movie comes out;
After great tragedies there is almost immediate response of
humor (?) Examples: The Titanic, Hurricanes, Tornados,etc.
Before you tell a joke ask yourself three questions!
(1) WHY am I telling this joke?
(a) To take the "edge" off a tense situation?(perspective)
(b) To make myself more popular by taking the "spotlight"
(c) Using it to "disguise" hostility and/or sarcasm?
(d) To share something funny for the joy of laughter.
(2) Would I tell this same joke (unedited)to anyone?
(3) Am I using it as a soothing balm in order to be able to put things in a non-reactive mode to find the best resolution.
(P.S.) Having to "explain" it means you probably shouldn't have said it!
"The best doctor in the world is the Veterinarian!! He can't ask his patients what the problem is...he's got to just KNOW."
Will Rogers-Humorist
(P.S.2) I considered Atheism...but there aren't enough Holidays!" Besides, "My Karma would run over your Dogma!"
and....."I've always believed EVE was framed!"
(Did you think I could leave out religious jokes??)
LAST POINT: There is NOTHING funny about hurting people. Mrs.B.
bad situation worse.
"Make crime pay. Become a lawyer!" Will Rogers
Target: lawyers...(specific occupations)
"Lymph"....to walk with a lisp!
Target: People that limp or have a speech impediment.
"Oyster"....a person who sprinkles his conversations with Yiddish expressions.
Target: Any ethnic group.
"Knock, Knock. Who's there? Zimmerman. Zimmerman,who?
Good, you can sit on the jury!" (True murder case by the Defense in his opening statement.)
Target: An attempt to lighten up a murder case?! To get the jury to "like" him? Went over like the dud it was.

After great tragedies there is almost immediate response of
humor (?) Examples: The Titanic, Hurricanes, Tornados,etc.
Before you tell a joke ask yourself three questions!
(1) WHY am I telling this joke?
(a) To take the "edge" off a tense situation?(perspective)
(b) To make myself more popular by taking the "spotlight"
(c) Using it to "disguise" hostility and/or sarcasm?
(d) To share something funny for the joy of laughter.
(2) Would I tell this same joke (unedited)to anyone?
(3) Am I using it as a soothing balm in order to be able to put things in a non-reactive mode to find the best resolution.
(P.S.) Having to "explain" it means you probably shouldn't have said it!
"The best doctor in the world is the Veterinarian!! He can't ask his patients what the problem is...he's got to just KNOW."
Will Rogers-Humorist
(P.S.2) I considered Atheism...but there aren't enough Holidays!" Besides, "My Karma would run over your Dogma!"
and....."I've always believed EVE was framed!"
(Did you think I could leave out religious jokes??)
LAST POINT: There is NOTHING funny about hurting people. Mrs.B.