Simply Said: This is the way we look after 24/7 bad news!!  Sensory overload for sure!

It works!! I went without computer & IPad for a week plus a 3 day trip home for a Baby Shower & I am rejuvenated & almost believing again that we will survive as a species! I did experience a "withdrawal" when my "Mac" was down & inoperable & I did worry about my readership without my sage advice updated but I did survive. I felt a baby's kick; saw but chickened out on a schooner ride at my relatives home & did my share of nostalgic weeping but the beauty of my hometown covered me like a warm, comforting blanket.
I am so grateful for my readers...the new ones and my sweet former students & teachers for keeping me company in my rusty Golden years! Bless you.

Please follow and comment on the rest of my life journey and PLEASE let me know it helps YOU, too? ANY questions will fill my need for narcissism & approval as a "lifelong" people-pleaser. I love you. Mrs.B.

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