"Basking in the Narcissistic Glow"
Simply Said: That is the Psychology term when people want to be near a celebrity...no matter HOW evil. Women who fall in love with murderers in prison....the "wanna bees" and "Groupies" that live through others that are famous or infamous. Narcissism is an adjective that describes an egotistic, self-loving person. Add Borderline Personality Disorder and you can have a pretty cold person. (A Sociopath) A Sociopath is a person lacking three very important personality traits of humans: Remorse, Empathy or a Conscience.
Remorse is feeling sorry for something they did.
Empathy is being able to put yourself into someone elses' shoes & not causing pain.
Conscience is knowing right from wrong!
Rest in Peace, Travis Victor Alexander. You have something she will never experience...the love and loyalty of a strong family and friends whose lives were better for having known you!...I wish I could have. Mrs.B.
P.S. 5/24 IT IS A "DELAYED" SENTENCING....NOT THE FINAL ONE ....May my beautiful "adopted" family hold STRONG....Your FAMILY is MUCH BIGGER NOW and we want the Justice that you are holding strong for. Mrs.Birge
Remorse is feeling sorry for something they did.
Empathy is being able to put yourself into someone elses' shoes & not causing pain.
Conscience is knowing right from wrong!
Rest in Peace, Travis Victor Alexander. You have something she will never experience...the love and loyalty of a strong family and friends whose lives were better for having known you!...I wish I could have. Mrs.B.
P.S. 5/24 IT IS A "DELAYED" SENTENCING....NOT THE FINAL ONE ....May my beautiful "adopted" family hold STRONG....Your FAMILY is MUCH BIGGER NOW and we want the Justice that you are holding strong for. Mrs.Birge