Birge-Bytes:  "Comfort the afflicted...
                       Afflict the Comfortable." My Pastor

Winston Churchill said "If you are going through Hell, keep going!"

As I viewed the Memorial Service for the Shady Hook Elementary tragedy I
realized that we were zooming in on ONE little community in America that truly epitomizes AMERICA or what it  should be!

I found myself fascinated and soothed in a marvelous way as EACH DIFFERENT DENOMINATION expressed itself for its loved ones. For
one evening they "blended" into mutual respect and grief for the victims and
for the whole community. SHAME ON YOU, GOVERNMENT & POLITICIANS FOR NOT BEING ABLE TO DO SO FOR THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE COUNTRY. Here, in this small community is your perfect example of what could be if only we were able to "blend" instead of being rigid. We think it would weaken our own beliefs but I believe it would only serve to strengthen them and our country.

On the other hand I have absolutely CRINGED every time the MEDIA has 
strengthened, perhaps unwittingly, the aberrant behavior. I taught Abnormal Psychology and #1)We FEED the perpetrator EXACTLY what they wanted! #2) Even worse, we encourage "copy cats" to outdo the last atrocity. As I taught about Serial Killers and other deviant behavior...I very carefully watched the reactions of my students. Facial expressions, how they might "focus" on
DETAILS such as Body Count....HOW they were killed...HOW it happened....etc.
I taught them there were three reasons why we are "fascinated" with monsters such as these: (1) Humans have always been CURIOUS about deviant behavior; this is healthy. (2) Humans need to have REASONS for why things happen; this also is healthy fascination. (3) The third reason
is NOT HEALTHY and comes when you DWELL ON MORBID EVENTS & NEED MORE AND MORE DETAILS; YOU GET A "RUSH"; you play violent games....see violent movies
over and over... True, the "average mentally stable" person can view the violence of the Media and NOT go out and do it; the mentally unstable CAN and ARE affected by it.

In a recent article by Morgan Freeman this week he said it perfectly. "The attention they seek is to be remembered as a horrible monster instead of a sad loser.  CONGRATULATIONS, MEDIA; YOU HAVE JUST LIT THE FIRE FOR SOMEONE TO TOP THIS AND KNOCK OFF A DAY CARE CENTER OR A MATERNITY WARD NEXT!"

Mrs. B.

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