Birge-Bytes:  "There seems to be a "War on Christmas" in this country! If the sight of baby Jesus arouses anger or sadness in you... get help!!" The assaults against the national holiday are annoying, unnecessary and often disrespectful to the 73% of American Christians and the 2.2 BILLION Christians worldwide."     Article by Bill O'Reilly...Sun-Sentinel.

There is a very definite link, by the way, between the man that was called St. Nick and Christianity. The reindeer, elves and Christmas tree were added later for the enjoyment of the little ones.


He was a 4th Century Christian Bishop of the church in Myra in the Roman Province of Lycia, Asia Minor that is now modern day Turkey. He was born in the year 260 and died in the year 333. His name was Nicholas meaning the "people's champion". He lived during the time of Emperor Constantine and most likely met him during his lifetime.

He was exceptionally kind and generous with those less fortunate. Almost ALL Sainthoods are given for miracles, healings or dramatic martyrdom (dying for your faith). He was the most popular non-biblical saint in the pre-modern church. More churches have been named for him except for Mary, the mother of Jesus.

He is pictured, usually, with a bag in hand because he used to silently leave people in need what they had to have to survive. He wanted no recognition for it but it eventually was....

A crypt was finally built in 1089 at the Basilica di San Nicola in Bari, Italy on the Adriatic Coast to
protect his remains and can be visited today where it is faithfully attended to.


If your child is at that point of being teased or saddened...please share this with them.
The "link" between Santa Claus and religion is real; he was a man on this Earth that exemplified the Christian qualities of compassion & loving others as Christ has loved us....
The truth makes Santa even more special. Mrs.B.

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