Was it WORTH it!?
Birge-Bytes: This is an image sent to my "Timeline" from a friend. Humorous...YES & NO... great humor is always based on truth & truth
is usually right. I'll bet the people that WERE trampled or SHOT AT...(yes)
find it less amusing. I have always LOVED humor and the way it can "soften"
the sharper edges of life...sure works in a looooong marriage!
MARK TWAIN once said, "When we remember we are ALL mad, the mysteries
disappear and life stands explained!" He also said "Man is the only animal
that blushes...or NEEDS to."
Programming software today is a race between ENGINEERS striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the UNIVERSE trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning......Rich Cook
The winds of God are always blowing....but YOU must set the sails!
We CAN walk arm-in-arm without seeing eye-to-eye on every issue. Too many of us sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" on Sunday and go AWOL on MONDAY! Even NAPOLEON said "you must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach them all your tricks of war."
The month of December, 2012, I will be writing "survival" tips so I do not lose
any faithful readers to the holidays. It IS the Season of Brotherly SHOVE &
I will attempt to guide you through it....you can thank me later when you emerge from it still a Christian...or grateful agnostic.(Look it up)
We will also "cover" Difficult People!"
Until then I want you to keep in mind the letters: E.G.R.
Mrs. B.
is usually right. I'll bet the people that WERE trampled or SHOT AT...(yes)
find it less amusing. I have always LOVED humor and the way it can "soften"
the sharper edges of life...sure works in a looooong marriage!
MARK TWAIN once said, "When we remember we are ALL mad, the mysteries
disappear and life stands explained!" He also said "Man is the only animal
that blushes...or NEEDS to."
Programming software today is a race between ENGINEERS striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the UNIVERSE trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning......Rich Cook
The winds of God are always blowing....but YOU must set the sails!
We CAN walk arm-in-arm without seeing eye-to-eye on every issue. Too many of us sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" on Sunday and go AWOL on MONDAY! Even NAPOLEON said "you must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach them all your tricks of war."
The month of December, 2012, I will be writing "survival" tips so I do not lose
any faithful readers to the holidays. It IS the Season of Brotherly SHOVE &
I will attempt to guide you through it....you can thank me later when you emerge from it still a Christian...or grateful agnostic.(Look it up)
We will also "cover" Difficult People!"
Until then I want you to keep in mind the letters: E.G.R.
Mrs. B.