Back to the REAL Battle!!

Birge-Bytes:  Gentle thought for the day...."Birds of a feather
             flock together....and then crap on your car!"

It is time we got back to the REAL War....MEN and WOMEN! (or combinations today) Actually, it is NOT a WAR
at all but a CONFUSION:* (check out the man's face when a woman cries!)  Science proves why.  

Men and women have more in common than not EXCEPT for HOW they process information!! Once you understand HOW different our 
BRAINS do this, you will be able to relate to each other easier. It
is not always LACK of communication with "your better-half" but HOW it is done.

Before the amazing MRI machine ("Magnetic Resonance Imaging") neuroscientists could only study CADAVER (DEAD) brains. Brain knowledge was a lot of stereotyping & guessing. The MRI enabled us to examine  LIVE FUNCTIONING BRAINS IN ACTION AS IT PROCESSED INFORMATION AND WHERE IN THE BRAIN IT DID THIS! We'll put it into two parts: Physical & HOW.


(1) 3.2 pounds; 100 BILLION CELLS; a QUADRILLION "connections".
(2) It is run Electrically and Chemically....THAT is why drugs or alcohol affect it so have a PERFECT recipe and then you throw in random chemicals and change its functioning.
(3) It is the most complex structure in the known Universe.
(4) You would have to fill a football field with Computers to hold the information your brain can hold!
(5) It floats in a "bath" of watery cerebrospinal fluid of oxygen,
Glucose (sugar) and Lymphocytes (fights infections) and protein.
4-8 minutes without oxygen there is brain damage or DEATH.
(6) Brain only accounts for 2% of the body weight BUT needs 20%
of your body's BLOOD to work right!
(7) The Human Brain has more electrical impulses in ONE DAY than all the PHONES in the world!
(8) The brains energy= a 25 Watt bulb.
(9) The human brain is NOT FINISHED DEVELOPING until age 25-30.
(10) The areas NOT DONE YET in a Teenager are the very important 3 areas of:  Limbic System (EMOTIONS), Frontal Lobe (making decisions about risky behavior & future planning) and the Amygdala(intense emotions & Aggression!)Explains a lot, eh?!


#1.  Men process information coming in on ONE side of the brain at a time & the Focus is on "Logic & Reason."
     Women can process information coming in with BOTH SIDES of the brain at THE SAME TIME!!!! (she can feel, talk & think) The typical male "confused look" at a woman is because she can be logical and emotional at the same time. Sorry, guys...doesn't make them smarter than you; just more confusing to understand!

#2. Men (logic & reason side) need to "THINK" about feelings BEFORE he can talk about them...may "back-off" or leave.
     Women are the first to express their feelings...they NEED to talk about what is bothering "share" feelings & problems.
(they come to YOU, guys, because they love & respect your opinion)

#3. MEN want to HELP the women they love! Their FIRST move is to
    WOMEN NEED to be HEARD by the one they love!! She may or may NOT respond to him as being "helpful"..HER HELP COMES FROM
HIM LISTENING TO HER! ("He cares enough about me to listen!") The worst thing he can do would be to NEGATE her feelings..."you're being stupid, honey, it is no BIG DEAL?!" IT IS NOW, "Macho Dumb"

p.s. Einstein's brain weighed 3.71
The SIZE of the brain is so it can fit in your head!!!
It is the INSIDE where miracles & discoveries;Poetry & Music
and Ideas happen.

Mrs.B. says: "Use it or LOSE it!" The MORE you use your brain the stronger & healthier it may be "tired" of thinking but you
CAN'T fill it or wear it out!


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