Benefits of Age:  

1.Kidnappers are not very interested in you.
2.In a hostage situation, they'll let you go first.
3.No one expects you to run...ANYWHERE!!
4.People call at 9 a.m. OR 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?"
5.People no longer view you as a Hypochondriac!
6.You no longer think of speed limits as a "challenge".
7.Things you buy now won't wear out.
8.You can live without sex but not your glasses.
9.There is nothing left to learn the "hard way"! Thank goodness!

(for NEW or Disillusioned Veterans)
     I had a rather unusual teaching experience where getting to know my students really well was part of the course..Social Science...Human Behavior. Art Linkletter had a show like this talking with children.
I found that my students would say "the darnedest things...to ME,too"
     I asked them a simple question as an assignment(not out loud)that was
kept confidential by me; bad grade only if they didn't do it.
THE QUESTION? "What do students know that teachers don't?!"
1. "No matter WHAT the rule against texting in class, we still do it."
     Most ARE truly addicted to this & quite talented at hiding it from the        teachers notice.
2. "Too many kids do drugs at this school and i HATE it"!
    The ones that don't are starting to resent the ones getting
     away with it too easily!(Ours is a "Blue Ribbon School.")
3.  "If we act like we don't care doesn't really mean we don't care"!
     I liked this one and found it to be quite true in many "turned off"   
     students. You have to get through the "SHELL" they have formed
     from another source!  when they see YOU are not like that..you '    
     would be amazed at how "they turn ON!"
4. "The quiet students need MORE ATTENTION!"
     The ones that don't give in to Peer Pressure would LOVE
      to be noticed more.
5. "We are NOT Robots! We can't stay quiet and work for 7 hrs!"
     If they are bored it can be much worse even with the "good" kids.
     This is where the teacher comes in...Kids "shadow" a teachers mood.
      If the TEACHER seems bored, they will,too...can't fool them!!
6."90% of students CHEAT!"
    If THEY cheat, they really DO feel this way! It is a self-defense
     mechanism to share blame of doing something wrong!
7"Students don't call it "Bullying"...they call it RUDE or MEAN.
    Bullying is a term adults have; semantics. Adults remember it as
   "Big Bad Bully's".. but kids in 2012 just see it as immature and cruel
    and just not necessary to put others DOWN to make them feel BIG!
8. "Some students simply DO NOT CARE what you do to them!"
    They have learned "selective listening" and "tune out" threats
     or punishment.(They hear it at home) just not an effective
     technique with teens anymore ages 13-19.
    A student that says this DOES FEEL EVERYONE ELSE DOES,
    TOO!  Also can be said to "fit in" by Peer Pressure.

10. "PUNISHING a student for bad behavior will not make him GOOD!"
     This was said by a tough student that had been punished many times
      and maybe we need to "listen?!"

I have more from the survey for the next post...I dearly hope this can
help teachers, new & Vet. and would LOVE some feedback?Mrs.B.

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