Birge-Bytes: Today, many are addicted to "Knowing & Telling!" This is
actually called "The Informational Generation!" Like children with a new
toy we are having to learn new information before we have even assimilated the "old" information! Trying to "keep up with the Jone's" has never been harder to keep up with! Parts are "made" to wear out sooner so we can buy more...tragedies have become "fast Food" to many..quickly digested and then hungry again for the "next meal"....There is an HBO special coming up called Blonde Obsession that lets us know that Alfred Hitchcock had a "blonde fetish" and actually had
LIVE birds thrown at Tippi Hendren in his classic "The Birds" because she turned him down romantically...secrets,secrets THEN!
"Science without religion is lame; religion without Science is blind!"
Einstein also said, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that
genius has its limits!" "With fame I became more and more STUPID, which
of course is a very common phenomenon". Albert Einstein
"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found has been
found difficult and left untried." G.K.Chesterton
When I taught Social Science I always told them to KNOW who your LEADER is following! Wrong voices lead to wrong choices....
We were working with Abnormal Psychology and I used this concept
on the people we studied that Unit. The leader of the "Raeliens"
cult is a former French Race car driver named Claude Vorilhon who saw a
4 ft. green alien in a volcano and started a cult. Charles Manson, who
had spent 2/3 of his life in prison and was once SOLD by his own Mother
for a 6-Pack of age 34 got a bunch of teenagers to murder for him. L.Ron Hubbard, a mediocre science-fiction writer gathered from
many and varied philosophies & created "Scientology." Marshall Applewhite in 1997 started "Heaven's Gate" U.F.O. Doomesday group;
took 39 "believers" with him in suicide to travel on a space ship in the
tail of Halle Bop Comet and last but not least we had Rev.Jim Jones and
his "People's Temple" in Guyana, South America who got 914 members
to drink poisoned Koolaide and even give it to their babies!!
WHY do we so easily believe in the wrong voices? 95% of Americans are
scientifically illiterate and only 1% of Congress' 535 members have science
training....these people, elected by us, have a huge impact on 2012 issues
such as Genetics, Research such as Global Warming, Stem Cells,etc.
Our "Popular Culture" PREFERS "fables"...the scientific method is seen
as boring and not economically lucrative.($$$) Former President Carter
had a background in Nuclear Physics but we chose to laugh at him about
"Billy Beer" and the antics of his Brother; like we've never had a relative that embarrassed US!
This is a world in a spiritual and ethical "war" between HATE & LOVE.
God IS Love and anything ELSE is "someone" ELSE!
Fact One: God probably "likes" SPORTS BUT He doesn't take sides and place bets!!
Fact Two: God probably loves MUSIC BUT you don't have to "eat a bat", smash musical instruments or puke onstage!!
Fact Three: God probably loves DANCING BUT simulated sex and
wardrobe malfunctions is not dance talent.
What is MY "job" on Earth??
1. To teach by example and not just words alone.
2. It is NOT my job to judge others. There are NO monuments to critics!
3. MY proof of God (to ME) has been my life of 71+ years...the number
of bad situations that arose around me that turned into blessings.
4. To keep learning "lessons" until my last breath on Earth.
5. To LOVE others as Jesus has loved me all my life.
"I'm going until I'm GONE!".....Mrs.B.
actually called "The Informational Generation!" Like children with a new
toy we are having to learn new information before we have even assimilated the "old" information! Trying to "keep up with the Jone's" has never been harder to keep up with! Parts are "made" to wear out sooner so we can buy more...tragedies have become "fast Food" to many..quickly digested and then hungry again for the "next meal"....There is an HBO special coming up called Blonde Obsession that lets us know that Alfred Hitchcock had a "blonde fetish" and actually had
LIVE birds thrown at Tippi Hendren in his classic "The Birds" because she turned him down romantically...secrets,secrets THEN!
"Science without religion is lame; religion without Science is blind!"
Einstein also said, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that
genius has its limits!" "With fame I became more and more STUPID, which
of course is a very common phenomenon". Albert Einstein
"The Christian ideal has not been tried and found has been
found difficult and left untried." G.K.Chesterton
When I taught Social Science I always told them to KNOW who your LEADER is following! Wrong voices lead to wrong choices....
We were working with Abnormal Psychology and I used this concept
on the people we studied that Unit. The leader of the "Raeliens"
cult is a former French Race car driver named Claude Vorilhon who saw a
4 ft. green alien in a volcano and started a cult. Charles Manson, who
had spent 2/3 of his life in prison and was once SOLD by his own Mother
for a 6-Pack of age 34 got a bunch of teenagers to murder for him. L.Ron Hubbard, a mediocre science-fiction writer gathered from
many and varied philosophies & created "Scientology." Marshall Applewhite in 1997 started "Heaven's Gate" U.F.O. Doomesday group;
took 39 "believers" with him in suicide to travel on a space ship in the
tail of Halle Bop Comet and last but not least we had Rev.Jim Jones and
his "People's Temple" in Guyana, South America who got 914 members
to drink poisoned Koolaide and even give it to their babies!!
WHY do we so easily believe in the wrong voices? 95% of Americans are
scientifically illiterate and only 1% of Congress' 535 members have science
training....these people, elected by us, have a huge impact on 2012 issues
such as Genetics, Research such as Global Warming, Stem Cells,etc.
Our "Popular Culture" PREFERS "fables"...the scientific method is seen
as boring and not economically lucrative.($$$) Former President Carter
had a background in Nuclear Physics but we chose to laugh at him about
"Billy Beer" and the antics of his Brother; like we've never had a relative that embarrassed US!
This is a world in a spiritual and ethical "war" between HATE & LOVE.
God IS Love and anything ELSE is "someone" ELSE!
Fact One: God probably "likes" SPORTS BUT He doesn't take sides and place bets!!
Fact Two: God probably loves MUSIC BUT you don't have to "eat a bat", smash musical instruments or puke onstage!!
Fact Three: God probably loves DANCING BUT simulated sex and
wardrobe malfunctions is not dance talent.
What is MY "job" on Earth??
1. To teach by example and not just words alone.
2. It is NOT my job to judge others. There are NO monuments to critics!
3. MY proof of God (to ME) has been my life of 71+ years...the number
of bad situations that arose around me that turned into blessings.
4. To keep learning "lessons" until my last breath on Earth.
5. To LOVE others as Jesus has loved me all my life.
"I'm going until I'm GONE!".....Mrs.B.