Birge-Bytes Assignment:  Stand in front of a mirror. What do you see? You see your reflection as you are at that very moment...in other words, you see TRUTH.  We are ALL mirrors to everyone we come in contact with...what are YOU reflecting to them?   Are you talking like a Christian
and Acting like Hell? How do you "represent" your words to others?

INTEGRITY is a quality trait we are seeing less and less of today. Integrity means you ACT like you TALK. INTEGRITY is being genuine;
reliable in your beliefs and actions. If you do not have it you will not "pass" the tests of life...hence the old saying, "the Spirit is Willing but the Flesh is weak."

When i do a Christian-type post, please, by ALL means, feel free to disagree with me. It is only when you STOP questioning and follow blindly
that I am addressing here. When teaching high School Seniors if I didn't
know an answer to their question I would tell them that and THEN get back to them with the best answer I could research and find. I was always aware that teacher's had a responsibility for truth to them; that they MIGHT believe anything I said BECAUSE of my position. I told them
to then add that to their OWN knowledge they discover as they live through the various "tests" life gives. I NEVER "pushed" my beliefs on
others. I DID try to "model" my beliefs by my actions in class such as fairness, love, compassion and most of all Truth.

(The word Christian simple means "a follower of Christ's principles".)

#1. You don't have to attend a certain religious building!There are good reasons to do so BUT going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than riding in a car makes you an Automobile! 

#2. My God  is too big to fit into a particular religion or Denomination!
Come on, people, the Creator of the UNIVERSE selecting only 
Methodists? Baptists? Jewish? Mormons? Catholics? Muslims?etc.

#3. If you want to be truly FAIR about it....do you even KNOW what others believe? Are you afraid to find out? MOST religions of the world believe in ONE God....9 out of 10 Americans in a recent poll believe
in the existence of "angels" as guardians and messengers. After 9/11, I was shocked at the bigotry I saw towards others so I researched an objective site on the religions and guess what? Muslims were more
actively "religious" than  me!....they hate their fanatics the same way
we do with the White Supremacist groups here...Skinheads, KKK.etc.; there were many Innocent Muslims that died in the Twin Towers that horrible morning I will never forget. Don't be hesitant to at least check it out.

#4. Quit with all the DIFFERENCES between us and take a look, at least, at what we have in common! There ARE answers to your
questions about life....God gave us the very precious "gift" of being able to "screw" up if we wish; to hurt others if we decide to and even self-
destruction rather than the harder "narrow" road of Faith to God.

#5. Some of your answers come at different times in your lifespan of 75+
years or so. You DO HAVE A PURPOSE here on Earth...you are to learn as much as possible about certain lessons you need to resolve.
Actually, time seems to speed up a little faster as you age so don't waste
it. The Old Testament gives us rules to live by and the New Testament gives us the blessed reasons. IN HEBREW'S it had a helpful,wise 2-point
rule that said we need to get rid of the things in our lives that "hinder"
us BEFORE it entraps us in pain.In Proverbs are found many wise rules for living a life worthy of breathe.

p.S. I have been a Methodist for 60 years and recently joined an non-
denominational  Church so I could LEARN from all religions...Guess what? They ALL love God dearly!! plus I have grown spiritually.Mrs.B.

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