Birge-Bytes: EGR People stands for "Extra Grace Required"! Difficult people are put in our lives for two reasons....(1)is THEIR opportunity to
learn and grow and (2) Is OUR "test" of Faith on this Earth to see how WE have grown. I don't want to sing "Onward Christian Soldiers" on Sunday and then go AWOL on Monday! 

What we hide has power over us...what is buried inside remains inside, my friends and absolutely DOES affect our present and even future lives.
"Don't be envious of the runner in the next lane to you...just focus on finishing YOUR race!"

    PLEASE do not misunderstand.#1)Some of my writing is lessons I taught at school(lesson plans)that I found they profited from and I wanted to "share" my research to the parents and adults now. and #2)I HAVE NEVER FELT FREER! Without career obligations and time that is actually MINE to structure without "bells" and "deadlines" etc. I am FREE TO BE ME (but modified for human consumption..there should be some perks to old age!?)I have "been there-done that" on many many of life's issues and I freely give the rest of my life in NOT repressing things that can help others.

I have learned these lessons the hard way, of course, as we are probably supposed to do; as teenagers can "tune" their parents advice out and Adult children have to just find out for themselves! We wouldn't LEARN anything if our parents could just tell us facts and we acted on them.

"My husband says I never listen to him!(At least, that is what I THINK he said)"  If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have begun
with something called LABOR!"  "Sometimes I wake up grumpy and sometimes I just let HIM sleep!" You have just uncovered the self defense mechanism I have always used...Humor, and it has served me well...in fact, students that knew me well knew that the more jokes I told meant I was dealing with stress and/or pain; physical or mental.

p.s. If you ever have any questions about my writings, please give me
feedback. I promise you I will "LISTEN"! Mrs.B.

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