Birge-Bytes "Our life needs to be a "love letter" from God and we need to
pass that love on to others! YOU are a 'letter from Christ!" Whatever your personal belief structure or the details of it... it is a TRUE fact that a man lived on this Earth for 33 years to experience human emotion firsthand.

The fact that a man that lived 2,000 years ago could so influence my life
in such positive ways IS a true and lasting love letter. The "hard copy" he left me was The Bible. Almost every problem we have today is in that book. Different clothes, hairstyles,customs,etc.2,000 years ago BUT the same human issues as today. They say "History repeats itself" as any Historian can attest to but it doesn't seem to stop us from doing it AGAIN!

I used to wonder why so many artists, writers, scientists,inventors,etc.all got "Philosophical" as they aged. M.C. Escher (Mathematician & Artist)
Albert Einstein said "Human beings, vegetables,or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player."
Einstein and me share the idea that there really is no conflict between Science and Theology! We have made peace with our searches for truth.
He also was quoted as saying, " All I want to do is think like God...all the rest are details!"
     The thing about getting older that is a blessing is that we began to discern a definite pattern of behavior and consequences....of truth and
lessons learned from life. The best way to mature is to learn the lessons in bad choices! meet each hurdle and overcome it to become stronger for the next....and there WILL BE A NEXT!  Trust me!
Well, back to my BFF
(1) He was not overbearing and loud...he was a man of action!
(2)He was not an egotist...He knew who he was and therefore could be humble. 
(3)He was a wonderful teacher & was my role model as a teacher.
(4)He was blameless and yet experienced physical and emotional PAIN
so that he knew how that felt to me!
(5) He has loved me and i have felt that "protection & care" all my life.

My favorite hymn is "In the Garden" and my dearest hope is that someday I can 'walk and talk with Him' there. MY IDEA of heaven?! Not pearly gates or golden streets....but the EARTH WITHOUT SIN....where I could hug any animal safely...visit ALL the Museums & Beauty of the Earth and cruelty and hate no longer exists. THAT would be "heaven" to me! Mrs.B.

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