Birge-Bytes  "Other people my age sure seem old!"  "They're NOT age spots...they're just
    mature freckles!"  "I prevent wrinkles by eating til they fill out!"  "Why can't they make a
    'biological clock' with a snooze alarm?!"  "I'd get a tatoo if I had any skin tight enough to
    draw on!"......these are the kind of jokes I did in class and the kids "allowed" me to be ME!
                       Amazing that we surmounted a Generation gap of 55 years; I treasure that fact.

MATT  HOAGLUND:  Matt is extremely easy to like and admire by any age person but especially someone who teaches the values and qualities he already possesses...kindness to others, compassion, Emotional and Academic Intelligence and an EAGLE SCOUT to boot.

ANTHONY RAMOS: Tony, you are incredibly talented and very "hugable". Thank you 
      for     the Holiday artwork for my board and the gift drawings. You will be a winner in                 whatever direction you choose and I will be proud of my "Son-in-Love".  

SHANE RICHARDSON:  Having both you and Melissa in class was a Double Blessing.
        You are all the qualities I love in teenagers and wherever life takes you they will luck out.
        You make people of all ages comfortable to be themselves with you, my "Son-in-Love'.

TANYA "PLATYPUS" PALK:  A beautiful young woman INSIDE AND OUT who    doesn't see that yet. From day ONE I was drawn to her wonderful personality and inquisitive
mind and understood her vulnerability at being hurt...look to the bottom of this Post,Tanya,
and you will see an Angel Graphic that reminds me of you. You are my "Daughter-in-Love".

Thank you all for allowing me to share some of my "overflow" feelings with you about my
"kids"....more to comexoxoxoxoxo P.S. look below this for a group picture! Mrs.B.


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