The Earth is the "INSANE ASYLUM" of the Universe!

Birge-Bytes  "You can do what I can't do.
                        "I can do what you can't do.
                        "Together we can do something beautiful for God"
                                                            Mother Theresa-Calcutta, India

"If you cannot feed the can feed one person at a time."
                                                            Mother Teresa

No, I am not Catholic but I always admired the sheer, unstoppable kindness
of this woman. She was equally at home with Kings or Paupers.
I was going to search for some catchy examples and then my eyes caught
the cover of the current "PEOPLE" MAGAZINE aug.22,2011 and it had it ALL for my purposes here. On ONE cover were FOUR   examples.
2/3 of the cover was "How Sandra Got Her Groove Back!"...up in the far
right corner was "Navy Seal Tragedy...Portraits of Courage" Under that
upper corner mention was "Clooney's Summer Romance". Don't get me wrong cause he is a fine actor but ANY woman that would date him and expect MORE than a summer is dilusional! Check out the one he had 3
months ago and wait til next months UpDates. We are NOT DONE YET,
my avid readers. Under THAT one it will tell you how you can be 14-17
years old and make $53,000,000.00 THIS YEAR! Yes, I did put in all the
zeroes on purpose because 2/3 of the people in the world make $2.00 and go to bed hungry every night. Am I saying to wrap your dinner up and
put it in the mailbox tomorrow for them? Parents have threatened you to
"eat your dinner...there are starving children in the world" and you were
supposed to feel guilty about that and clear your plate. Also, Justin is not
a bad young performer, actually, and I sure don't expect him to turn it
down on behalf of strangers starving or for that matter, young athletes
being bribed by unscrupulous, illegal methods. I doubt I could turn it down
either because I am losing our home of 20 years after trying to do everything in my life the "right way". It dawned on me recently..."What would I do if I was to find out TODAY that God did not exist; Jesus was
NOT my BF and "angels" didn't really look out for me and keep me safe!
That was when i realized that "it wouldn't matter in how I lived my life for 70 years. It is the way I would have lived my life anyway!!"  I have experienced child abuse and would NEVER do that to someone else...i have experienced Unfairness and Injustice so I couldn't do that to someone else as revenge or justice. I alone?

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