Simply Said:  Hope I haven't lost some readers in the Hiatus since February but I am sure all of you have experienced times where you felt overwhelmed....at ANY age and wish you could "unplug"
from this crazy world and off the "not so merry-go-round" of life.
It many times comes in clumps, kind of a "gang-up" on your mind. 

Wish I could have a "Pity Party" and NOT FEEL GUILTY about it or
told "IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU!" When IS it about me?!
Sometimes the world hangs heavy on my heart...I try to stay sweet
because there is SO much sadness in the world today, SO many
Haters and SO much that is not fair. Have I been a fool to take life seriously when few seem to?  I have used humor all my life as a "defense mechanism"; many times it has helped. I was told by a Counselor I was like a "cupcake"....the "icing" on the surface that the public sees is sweet....but the "cake" is defective!?" Dr. Jung,
Psychologist called it the Persona & Shadow.  Because of fear or not wanting to ever hurt someone ELSE...we keep a lot in. I actually was able to "disassociate" from my surroundings during abuse & stay quiet & obedient.  As an adult who has worked through many things I no longer WANT to be QUIET, KEEP SECRETS and PEOPLE- PLEASE! I value HONESTY. INTEGRITY, LOVE and EMPATHY.

I LOVE YOU, FRED.....get well.
I LOVE YOU, BETTY...please heal
I LOVE YOU,TERRI...please have the happiness you deserve.
I LOVE YOU, GRANDSONS...please have the strong foundation
                             your Mother and Grandmothers have taught you.
I LOVE YOU, DAVID....please enjoy life...my "genes" are cool
                            that I gave you ...when controlled.
I LOVE YOU, MICHELLE...please learn to trust again.I would 
                           never let you down.

And, for all the relatives and people that feel I am TOO open...
I feel it is about time to be ME.



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