Simply Said:  Freudian slip!!?  Fear, ingrained in me as a young child is very difficult to undo but I did succeed with most of it to a manageable level. FEAR is an incredible weapon. My Stepfather never abused me, physically...he didn't have to....

I don't want this post to be about me, tho; so let's continue. I have lived long enough to have a good perspective...the Earth IS the Insane Asylum of the Universe! This is even called the "INFORMATIONAL AGE"  to differentiate between Hunting & Gathering, Industrial & the advent of the concept of "TEENAGE" as a sub-culture starting after WW11. Yes, folks, teenagers have only
been around since 1941 with their OWN music, clothes and "language"....but I diverse again...sorry.

We have gone from 3 t.v. channels with one hour of news a day to 200+ channels 24 hours a day!
NEWS have their OWN 24 hour shows. It is mostly the same news each day but REPEATED AD-
Now, in order to FILL all that time and also try to beat out other channels...we get grossly mis-informed news that changes by the minute with UP-DATES. In "SCOOPING" others we have
neglected truth. It must also be as INTENSE as possible to catch your ears & eyes so scenes that NEVER would have been shown earlier can now serve our prurient interests. After all, truth MUST keep up with gross Media movies/T.V.

The earliest fossils show us stabbing each other with whittled spears. Genghis Khan and his Mongol
Hordes were SO SCARY people would just give up before they even entered their cities!(starting to sound familiar?)  

Our adversaries today are an all new "ballgame" (IF our ballgames were played without rules or
21st Century logic & wisdom.) There are Four main types of Killers: (1)Visionary Motive:insane, Psychotic & Antisocial (2)Missionary Oriented: wants to rid the world of HIS IDEA of immoral or unworthy to live (3)"Thrill-Oriented": A sadistic enjoyment & High from killing and (4)"Lust Killers" that Sexually equate Love with Violence. It is about controlling & Power only.

SOCIOPATH: 80% of all killers! They are NOT clinically insane. They KNOW right from wrong...
            they just don't CARE! They lack a conscience, any sense of GUILT or EMPATHY.
PSYCHOPATH: only 20% are considered clinically insane.. MEDICALLY CRAZY.

GOOD AND EVIL           

BOTH dwell in Humans all the way from incredible selfless kindness to mind-numbing horror! It is our Paradox as Humans to be the highest,wisest, most principled species the earth has produced
and also, the lowest, cruelest, most blood-drenched species. We do have built in "controls" or we wouldn't have lasted even this long....MORALITY is when we understand good and bad, right from
wrong and can empathize with the pain of others as well as our own pain.

OCT.13, 2014

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