Birge-Bytes    2012..... HOW ABOUT THAT?! What the fool does a 70 year old retired teacher have
       in common with someone 46 years younger and even a "gender thingie" difference?! No, I don't play
       football...not even a field goal kicker where you are not supposed to hurt me. Used to play college
       Softball but I'm digressing....sorry. 

Christians don't speak up OFTEN enough and when they do many times they provoke
rather than convince.....in fact, many times you come across loud and clear to others
simply by your actions even more than words. 

You would certainly think by now we are drowning in negative images of our "heroes"
Right? Wrong! First of all we have been over-valuing our "Gladiators" for a very long time.
They were treated just one step below the Caesars with material riches...cruel behavior was even lauded
and applauded in the Coliseum. A "nice" Gladiator??? Dead meat.
I had so hoped we had come farther than that in the 21st.Century.

O.K....back to Tim. Don't you think it is a shame on all of us that someone "nice" stands out too much
and GETS SO MUCH ATTENTION BY ITS CONTRAST?! THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE READ THIS FAR BARE WITH ME AND PAY ATTENTION! On my trusty iPad I read the comments on a CNN article on Tim. "Unfreakinbelievable!" I think I will switch species cause it is embarrassing how
UNFAR we have come towards maturity. I, too, was a Virgin "saving" myself for that "special one" which I found,by the way, and I have loved him and only him for 51 years. I never smoked (anything....)
drank anything alchoholic or "experimented" with Drugs and it was the 60's. My true friends honored MY choice...I went to college parties and THE ONLY ONES TRYING TO SPIKE MY DRINKS
WERE DRUNKS. It seemed to almost be an affront of some kind and a "challenge" for them to
"show me how to have fun". I was the only one to even "remember" the party the next day.....

I call myself a "PC" even tho I own a Mac because I am a "Practicing Christian" 24/7 and not just 
for an hour on Sunday.I don't HURT people because I know the pain of child abuse and cruel people.
I don't lie or cheat because my childhood was FILLED with it by people I trusted. I am FILLED with
love and empathy for others cause I can literally"feel" their pain.

Tim is living the life HE was raised with by his parents...I, for ONE, will not be waiting for any "stumble" he may have cause with his inner strength he will be able to overcome it. we were NEVER
promised a life without problems; it is how we choose to learn from our mistakes that count. Mrs.B.

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